Growth and Yield Production of Pakcoy as Influenced by Artificial Light Irradiation


Sari Widya Utami
Artdhita Fajar Pratiwi
Galih Mustiko Aji


Artificial light in indoor plant production is still a challenge related to the amount of electrical energy used, such as in the Pakcoy plant. The Pakcoy plant has nutritional and economic value and is usually used as a research indicator plant. This study aimed to determine the effect of artificial light irradiation on the growth and yield of Pakcoy plants. The research was conducted in a plant factory in an indoor hydroponic system, with LED light of 100 umol/m2/s as a light source for the growth of Pakcoy plants. The artificial light irradiation length treatment consisted of 4 levels, namely 12 hours/day, 16 hours/day, 20 hours/day, and 24 hours/day. The most significant growth, yield, and content of vitamin C in Pakcoy plants were obtained in maximum artificial light exposure for 24 hours/day, and the highest protein content was obtained in the long irradiation treatment for 16 hours/day.


Author Biographies

Sari Widya Utami, Cilacap State Polytechnic

Department of Agroindustry Product Development

Artdhita Fajar Pratiwi, Cilacap State Polytechnic

Department of Electrical Engineering

Galih Mustiko Aji, Cilacap State Polytechnic

Department of Electrical Engineering

How to Cite
Utami, S. W., Pratiwi, A. F., & Aji, G. M. (2023). Growth and Yield Production of Pakcoy as Influenced by Artificial Light Irradiation. Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology, 7(3), 236-245.


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