Optimization of Fluid-Type Roasting Machine on Robusta Roasted Coffee Characteristics


Ari Rahayuningtyas
Ida Farikha Azizah
Steven Witman
Dadang Dayat Hidayat
Alifia Fauziah Rohzan
Yusep Ikrawan
Ngatinem Ngatinem


Coffee is a superior plantation commodity playing an important role in Indonesian economic growth, as a contributor to income and provider of employment. The handling process of coffee, particularly at roasting stage, has a significant impact on the quality of the final product. The Research Center for Appropriate Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, has developed fluid-type roasting machine with a capacity of 750 grams (g) and fueled by LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). Therefore, this research aimed to determine the characteristics of robusta roasted coffee through performance tests of fluid-type roasting machine. Performance tests were carried out to determine the static characteristics of temperature sensor and ensure accurate provision as well as consistent readings in effectively controlling roasting process. Some of the characteristics that were determined included moisture content by thermogravimetric method, color, texture, caffeine, and microscopic analysis. The results showed that fluid-type roasting machine had a high-temperature sensor accuracy of 1.3% and repeatability of 0.69. The physical and chemical analysis showed that roasting temperature significantly affected the characteristics of roasted coffee beans. Additionally, higher temperature caused an increase in cracking of coffee beans, ash content, texture, caffeine content, and darker color, along with lower moisture content.


Author Biographies

Alifia Fauziah Rohzan, Pasundan University

Food of Technology

Yusep Ikrawan, Pasundan University

Food of Technology

Ngatinem Ngatinem, National Research and Innovation Agency

Research center for medicinal raw materials and traditional medicine

How to Cite
Rahayuningtyas A, Azizah IF, Witman S, Hidayat DD, Rohzan AF, Ikrawan Y, Ngatinem N. Optimization of Fluid-Type Roasting Machine on Robusta Roasted Coffee Characteristics. J. appl. agricultural sci. technol. [Internet]. 2024Aug.27 [cited 2025Feb.15];8(3):359-74. Available from: https://www.jaast.org/index.php/jaast/article/view/282


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