Relationship of Tree Architecture on Canopy Throughfall and Stem Flow in The Upstream of Batang Mahat River Basin Lima Puluh Kota Regency Indonesia


Reni Ekawaty
Yonariza Yonariza
Eri Gas Ekaputra
Ardinis Arbain
Rusnam Rusnam


A study about the effect of tree architecture on canopy throughfall and stem flow was conducted upstream of Batang Mahat River Basin, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Four dominant tree species in the location, Voacanga foetida, Guioa sp, Schima wallichii and Rhodoleia champonii, were selected and represented in architecture by Scarrone, Schoute, Rauh and Leeuwenberg, respectively. Furthermore, the sample was three trees of each species. The throughfall canopy was measured using a 1 x 1 m plastic plot placed at the edge, while the stem flow was calculated by two meters plastic tube with a five-litre tank at the bottom. These data were collected eight times over one month. The study aimed to the analyzed relationship between tree architecture and canopy throughfall and stem flow upstream of the Batang Mahat River Basin. The result showed that Schima wallichii differed significantly in throughfall canopy relative to the other three species. Additionally, V. foetida significantly differed in stem flow compared to the other tree species. There was no correlation between throughfall canopy, stem flow and precipitation, but the two parameters were affected by three architectures. These findings are useful for soil and water conservation in the upper Mahat River Basin.


Author Biographies

Reni Ekawaty, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Study Program of Water Management of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Engineering

Yonariza Yonariza, Universitas Andalas

Faculty of Agriculture

Eri Gas Ekaputra, Universitas Andalas

Faculty of Agricultural Engineering

Ardinis Arbain, Universitas Andalas

Graduate School

Rusnam Rusnam, Universitas Andalas

Faculty of Agricultural Engineering

How to Cite
Ekawaty R, Yonariza Y, Ekaputra EG, Arbain A, Rusnam R. Relationship of Tree Architecture on Canopy Throughfall and Stem Flow in The Upstream of Batang Mahat River Basin Lima Puluh Kota Regency Indonesia. J. appl. agricultural sci. technol. [Internet]. 2023Feb.28 [cited 2024Oct.15];7(1):45-52. Available from:


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