The Design and Building of Medium Capacity Drying House for Bokar


Sri Aulia Novita
Hendra Hendra
Perdana Putera
Fithra Herdian
Muhammad Makky
Khandra Fahmi


Bokar, processed rubber material, is latex obtained from rubber trees of community plantations. The quality of latex can be identified from its features which are white, relatively soft, and odorless. The purpose of this research was to design a simple rubber sheet drying house and examine the quality of dry rubber under Indonesian National Standard. Bokars are processed using a liquid smoke coagulant with a concentration of 10-15% and it obtained a clean white rubber although it has a slight smoke smell. Before drying, Bokar had ground to gain the thickness of the unsmoked sheet/ USS around 3-5 mm. The components of the drying house include the drying room, heating room, heater, thermometer, blower, plenum chamber, ventilation, drying room door, and electric motor. The capacity of the drying house is 200 kg of rubber sheet, with a drying temperature of 35 – 46oC and 6 hours drying time. The rubber produced has good quality with average dry rubber content (DRC) was 73.75%.


Author Biographies

Sri Aulia Novita, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Department of Agricultural Mechanisation Technology

Hendra Hendra, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Department of Computer Engineering Technology

Perdana Putera, University of Nottingham

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Fithra Herdian, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Department of Agricultural Mechanisation Technology

Muhammad Makky, Andalas University

Department of Agricultural Technology

Khandra Fahmi, Andalas University

Department of Agricultural Technology

How to Cite
Novita SA, Hendra H, Putera P, Herdian F, Makky M, Fahmi K. The Design and Building of Medium Capacity Drying House for Bokar. J. appl. agricultural sci. technol. [Internet]. 2021Mar.10 [cited 2025Feb.15];5(1):50-61. Available from:


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